Raised Resilient: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child
Parenting is the hardest job ever – and parenting a highly sensitive child who’s struggling can feel downright impossible. If you’re suffering through endless meltdowns, walking on eggshells to avoid your child’s huge emotions, and losing sleep worrying that you’re failing your child, you’ve landed in the right place. I’m Dr. Hilary Mandzik – clinical psychologist, parenting specialist, and mom of 3. And I’m here to help you feel GOOD about parenting your highly sensitive child. Join me each week on the Raised Resilient podcast as we explore the topics parents worry about most when it comes to raising highly sensitive kids: managing meltdowns, building emotion regulation, understanding highly sensitive kids, making sense of challenging behaviors, building self-esteem, finding parenting strategies that actually work *with* your child’s sensitivity ... and everything in between. I’ll help you understand your child’s behavior (and your reactions to it!) so that even the really hard moments make more sense. I’ll empower you with tools, strategies, and scripts to navigate those really hard moments with connection and confidence. (And I’ll remind you that no tool, strategy, or script is as powerful as your parenting ace – your relationship with your child!) I’m passionate about parenting differently – parenting in a way that sees all kids as good, even when they’re struggling. I’m passionate about breaking unhelpful generational cycles and putting a hard stop to spanking, time outs, shaming, and yelling. I’m passionate about helping highly sensitive kids build the skills they need in order to manage their big emotions successfully ... and parents learning to regulate their own emotions alongside their children. I want to help you stop worrying about whether you’re “raising them right” and feel confident that your kids will grow up trusting themselves and feeling comfortable in their skin … because they were raised resilient. And that’s big. Because raising our kids resilient can literally make this world a better place. Listen, parenting is hard no matter how you do it. You won’t “enjoy every moment”, no matter what that lady at the store says. But I’m here to help you go from just barely surviving to parenting in a way that genuinely feels good, for you and your highly sensitive child. So warm up your coffee and grab your ear buds. It’s time to turn your child’s sensitivity into their SUPERPOWER! Connect with me: https://www.raisedresilient.com/ IG: @raisedresilient Schedule your FREE Breakthrough Session: https://www.raisedresilient.com/breakthrough Do YOU have a highly sensitive child? Take my FREE QUIZ to find out: https://www.raisedresilient.com/quiz Major themes: parenting highly sensitive / deeply feeling kids; cycle breaking; building emotion regulation; generational healing; respectful parenting; gentle parenting; peaceful parenting; attachment theory / building a secure attachment
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Do you ever feel like you and your partner are on two totally different pages when it comes to parenting? Maybe you’ve fully embraced gentle / conscious / respectful parenting, but your partner feels strongly about using punishments. Maybe you’re arguing constantly about how to handle tough parenting moments.
If you can relate, you’re not alone! In this week’s episode, I talk with fellow licensed therapist Bryana Kappadakunnel about how to get on the same page with our partners when it comes to parenting. We talk about why it can feel so triggering when our partners make parenting mistakes, how to handle it when we disagree, and the single most important thing we can do each day to get aligned with our partners around parenting.
Here’s the thing: It’s not our job to get our partners “on board” with our way of parenting. We can’t control anyone else, and when we try to do that, we don’t model a healthy relationship dynamic for our kids. When we can instead get curious and lean into connection in these moments (sound familiar?!), we can see massive shifts in our partnerships and our parenting.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Bryana’s website: https://www.consciousmommy.com/
Bryana’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consciousmommy/
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
If you’re like most parents, you entered parenting knowing only the punishments-and-rewards approach your own parents used. But along the way, many of us have learned about gentle / respectful / conscious parenting. We’re intrigued, but we also wonder: Is gentle parenting actually effective? And when we raise our kids without punishments, are we preparing them for the real world?
In this week’s episode, I respond to a listener whose partner is asking these exact questions (which makes this a fantastic episode to share with anyone in your life who’s skeptical about gentle parenting!). I normalize this skepticism in the context of how most of us were raised – and I share why gentle parenting will absolutely prepare our kids for real world challenges.
Here’s the thing: It can be really hard – and even downright painful – to give our kids what we weren’t given, and we’re bound to get triggered in the process. But if we understand what’s actually happening in these moments (and that it has nothing to do with our kids!), we can better meet their needs and raise them in a way that actually prepares them for the real world.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Jean Piaget said that “play is the work of childhood,” and he was definitely right about that. Play is literally your child’s most important job. We often place more importance on academics, but the truth is that kids learn SO much more through play than through structured learning, especially when they’re really little.
In this week’s episode, I dive into why play is so important and give examples of how you can support your child’s need to explore the world through play. I talk about how to prioritize play, how to respect your child’s need to play, and how to use play to support your child during tough moments.
Here’s the thing: Play truly is your child’s most important work. And in order to truly support that work, we need to understand, respect, and allow space for it to happen regularly – all of which you’ll be totally prepared to do after listening to this week’s episode!
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Is your child a picky eater? Are mealtimes the most stressful part of the day? Do you worry about whether your child’s nutrition is adequate or whether they’re getting enough veggies? If this is you, you’re not alone! Feeding kids can feel really stressful sometimes … and that’s even more true if you’ve got your own issues with food.
In this week’s episode, I interview Bekah Groop – fellow peaceful parenting educator / content creator, mom of 3, and eating disorder survivor – on how to ditch the mealtime stress and instead teach our kids to be intuitive eaters who tune into & listen to their bodies when they eat. Bekah’s insight will have you stressing less about meals and feeling empowered to feed your child in a simpler, more joyful way.
Here’s the thing: Most of us carry our own food struggles – influenced heavily by diet culture – into parenting, and that can make feeding our kids feel heavier & more difficult than it needs to be. But we can heal our own food trauma and nourish our kids at the same time by tuning into our bodies and embracing intuitive eating.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Raised Resilient with Dr. Hilary officially turns ONE this week! This means that it’s been a full year since I started this podcast. I wasn’t sure where this journey would take me (and I had no idea what I was doing), but I trudged ahead anyway, with a makeshift recording studio in my closet, a mic, and some serious passion for parenting & supporting parents.
In this week’s episode, I reflect on the journey that creating this podcast has been, and I share 3 invaluable parenting truths that I’ve learned along the way. I also give a preview of what you can expect from season two, including the introduction of guest episodes (and I’ve got some good ones lined up, so stay tuned!).
Creating this podcast has been one of my proudest accomplishments and favorite things I’ve done to date, and I’m so grateful that you’ve been a part of it! At the time of this writing, the podcast has already amassed 30,000 downloads and counting. And best of all, making this podcast each week has made me a better mom and a better person. So thanks for being here, and stay tuned for season 2, which starts next week!
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
I get so many questions about challenging behaviors – not wanting to share, hitting and kicking, “clingy” behaviors, refusing to listen – that occur in the days, months, and years after a child becomes a big sibling. And while most parents acknowledge that getting a sibling is a big deal, we often don’t realize that our child’s challenging behaviors are connected to this major life shift.
In this week’s episode, I answer a listener who wants to know how to help her young daughter, who’s struggling on play dates. She doesn’t want her peers to play with any of her toys, and that often causes friction. I offer thoughts on how to handle these tough moments – and I also offer some perspective and thoughts about how our listener can reconnect with her older daughter.
Here’s the thing: Getting a sibling is a really big deal for kids, and it’s a big deal for a lot longer than most of us think it should be a big deal. Many, many times, challenging behaviors are connected to this huge life transition, and we can best support our kids by reconnecting with them and helping them process and regulate the tough emotions that come with being a big sibling.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Meeting your child’s social needs can feel confusing. Parents often feel pressured to create a full schedule of play dates starting in babyhood … and then we feel frustrated when our older kids – especially our teens – only want to spend time with their friends. So what do our kids *actually* need in terms of social development and peer interactions, especially as they grow and change?
In this week’s episode, I give an overview of healthy social development from toddlerhood through the teen years. I talk about why young kids don’t actually need playdates (and what we need to focus on instead!) and help you think about your child’s most pressing social needs, no matter their age.
Here’s the thing: Social development starts from birth – but what our kids need most depends on their developmental stage. After listening to today’s episode, you’ll know what YOUR child needs most right now (and in the future!) to support healthy social development.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Your child is a star student – literally a teacher’s dream. But then she comes home from school, and it’s a totally different story; it’s meltdowns and tantrums and refusing to cooperate from carpool until bedtime. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone, and you’re probably wondering why on earth your child only has meltdowns at home.
In this week’s episode, I answer a listener’s question about the huge difference between her child’s behavior at school versus at home. I unpack this super common dynamic, explain why it happens (and why it’s actually a good thing!), and give you strategies to better support your child when they’re struggling at home.
Here’s the thing: It’s super normal and actually healthy for our kids to hold it together at school and then fall apart at home. And once we understand WHY this happens, we will be so much better able to effectively support our kids in managing tough emotions and challenging behaviors after school.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
If you’ve got more than one child, you already know how infuriating it can be when one kid starts picking on the other, seemingly out of nowhere. It might seem purposeful and mean, and it can be super tricky to meet both kids’ needs in these tough parenting moments.
In this week’s episode, I answer a listener’s question about how to stop sibling teasing. I dive into the many reasons and complicated dynamics that cause one child to seemingly intentionally provoke the other, and I share both strategies to intervene in the moment and to help you feel prepared before things ever get to that point.
Here’s the thing: It’s super normal for siblings to fight, tease each other, and otherwise struggle sometimes. The conflict we see on the outside is just the manifestation of how our kids are feeling – both in general and towards each other – on the inside. Understanding what’s really going on in these moments is key to supporting our kids effectively.
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
“All I do all day is go from room to room cleaning up the messes my kids make!” Sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone! The constant tidying we do as parents is exhausting. It makes so much sense that you’d want your child to start cleaning up their own toys & messes as soon as humanly possible.
In this week’s episode, I talk about how to actually get your child to clean up after themselves (I promise you it IS doable!). I share what to do (& what not to do) and what to expect as you teach your child the important skill of cleaning up what they’re not using.
Here’s the thing: Children can absolutely learn to clean up, but like most things in parenting, this isn’t something we can force, and it’s definitely a process that doesn’t happen overnight. After listening to today’s episode, you’ll feel prepared to teach your child the art of cleaning up (without all the stress!).
FREE Mindset Shifts: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching