Raised Resilient: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child
Parenting is the hardest job ever – and parenting a highly sensitive child who’s struggling can feel downright impossible. If you’re suffering through endless meltdowns, walking on eggshells to avoid your child’s huge emotions, and losing sleep worrying that you’re failing your child, you’ve landed in the right place. I’m Dr. Hilary Mandzik – clinical psychologist, parenting specialist, and mom of 3. And I’m here to help you feel GOOD about parenting your highly sensitive child. Join me each week on the Raised Resilient podcast as we explore the topics parents worry about most when it comes to raising highly sensitive kids: managing meltdowns, building emotion regulation, understanding highly sensitive kids, making sense of challenging behaviors, building self-esteem, finding parenting strategies that actually work *with* your child’s sensitivity ... and everything in between. I’ll help you understand your child’s behavior (and your reactions to it!) so that even the really hard moments make more sense. I’ll empower you with tools, strategies, and scripts to navigate those really hard moments with connection and confidence. (And I’ll remind you that no tool, strategy, or script is as powerful as your parenting ace – your relationship with your child!) I’m passionate about parenting differently – parenting in a way that sees all kids as good, even when they’re struggling. I’m passionate about breaking unhelpful generational cycles and putting a hard stop to spanking, time outs, shaming, and yelling. I’m passionate about helping highly sensitive kids build the skills they need in order to manage their big emotions successfully ... and parents learning to regulate their own emotions alongside their children. I want to help you stop worrying about whether you’re “raising them right” and feel confident that your kids will grow up trusting themselves and feeling comfortable in their skin … because they were raised resilient. And that’s big. Because raising our kids resilient can literally make this world a better place. Listen, parenting is hard no matter how you do it. You won’t “enjoy every moment”, no matter what that lady at the store says. But I’m here to help you go from just barely surviving to parenting in a way that genuinely feels good, for you and your highly sensitive child. So warm up your coffee and grab your ear buds. It’s time to turn your child’s sensitivity into their SUPERPOWER! Connect with me: https://www.raisedresilient.com/ IG: @raisedresilient Schedule your FREE Breakthrough Session: https://www.raisedresilient.com/breakthrough Do YOU have a highly sensitive child? Take my FREE QUIZ to find out: https://www.raisedresilient.com/quiz Major themes: parenting highly sensitive / deeply feeling kids; cycle breaking; building emotion regulation; generational healing; respectful parenting; gentle parenting; peaceful parenting; attachment theory / building a secure attachment
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
If your child’s on summer break, you’re probably already hearing the dreaded “I’m bored!”. When our kids beg us to entertain them, we can feel pulled to come up with an endless stream of ideas & activities, which is exhausting. But here’s the thing: entertainment is not what your child actually needs when they’re feeling bored.
In this week’s episode, I share my strategies for managing summer boredom (hint: they’re not me telling you to “just play with your child all day long”!). I also tell you why you don’t need to push academics over the summer & give you permission to let go of your worries about “kindergarten readiness” and the “summer slide”.
It can be uncomfortable to allow your child the space to struggle through boredom. But when we remind ourselves that being boredom is simply a feeling – and that we don’t need to fix it – it empowers us to just let it be. And from there flows creativity & independent play (and – bonus! – more time to ourselves as parents!).
This week’s episode is the first episode in my 4-week summer series, where I share the tools, strategies & perspective you need for an awesome summer with your child! Next up: screen time!
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
We all want our kids to LISTEN, right? We want them to clean up their toys, get their shoes on when it’s time to go, and stop teasing their siblings when we ask them to. If you’re feeling this, you’re not alone; I get asked allllll the time “How do I get my child to listen?!”
In this week’s episode, I talk about the mindset shift required to get kids to listen, and I share my 3-step process to engage children in smoother, simpler cooperation – without nagging. (I’ll even share my special trick for getting kids to listen that I pull out when all else fails!)
Here’s the thing: If we want our kids to cooperate, taking the time to connect is key. When we connect first, we create an atmosphere & an attitude of community & collaboration – which will serve our kids for a lifetime (and make them SO much more likely to do the thing we’re asking!).
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
You’re at the store, and a kind stranger says hi … but your child freezes & says nothing. You take your child to the playground, but he won’t leave your side. What should you do when your child acts shy? And does it mean something’s wrong?
In this week’s episode, I share why I don’t think it’s helpful to call our kids shy. I’ll help you reframe how you see “shy” behaviors & empower you with ways to support your child in these moments.
How we think & talk about our kids really does matter. After listening to today’s episode, you’ll understand why calling kids shy isn’t helpful – and you’ll know how to think about & respond to behaviors we typically think of as “shy” so that you can raise confident & resilient kids.
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
In the aftermath of the school shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, TX yesterday, we're all grieving. We're heartbroken & outraged at the same time. And in the midst of all of these feelings, how do we support our kids?
In this bonus episode, I talk about how to take care of our kids (and ourselves!) in the wake of a tragedy. I break down the important considerations around talking to your kids about yesterday's events and creating space to grieve as a family.
If you're feeling lost in the wake of yesterday's shooting, you're not alone. You're not supposed to know how to navigate something like this. But hopefully this episode gives you some tools and scripts to use to make supporting your child a little easier in the midst of a really, really unthinkably hard thing.
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
It can be so tough to know how to support our kids when they’re feeling anxious. Sometimes we can start to feel anxious about their anxiety, and this can lead to everyone feeling even more anxious.
In this week’s episode, I answer a question from a listener whose 11-year-old daughter is struggling with anxiety about riding in the car. I explore why our children’s anxiety is tough for us as parents, and I provide tools, strategies, and new ways of thinking about anxiety to help us support our kids.
Understanding what’s really happening when our kids feel anxious and allowing space for the anxiety to exist is key if we want to wire our kids for resilience, even when anxiety shows up.
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
As parents, we all want to help our kids build frustration tolerance. It can be so tough – for us and for them! – when our kids shut down before they even give something a chance. But sometimes the things we do to try to help our children tolerate frustration better only make things harder. (Frustrating, right?)
In this week’s episode, I share why it’s so, so normal for kids to get frustrated easily – and I give you six actionable tips to help you support your child in learning to tolerate frustrating moments a little better!
Allowing space for frustration and approaching tough moments with curiosity & patience is key to growing your child’s ability to tolerate frustration. And this week’s episode will help you do just that!
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
If we want to help our children develop emotion regulation, allowing them to express their feelings is key. But what do you do when you have to be somewhere, but your child is having a tantrum? Or what about when you have multiple kids who all need you at once – like when your toddler is crying, but your baby needs a diaper change? How do you meet your child’s emotional needs in those moments?
In this week’s episode, I’m answering a listener who wrote in asking exactly this. I talk about how to show up for our kids in their hard moments while still getting to our appointments on time & meeting everyone’s needs (including our own!). I dive into why these moments are so hard & share my step-by-step “shepherding through” process.
Here’s the thing: The world can’t stop every time your child has a feeling. Sometimes life gets in the way, and you’ll have to hold space for the feeling while also moving on to wherever you need to be next. And that’s okay! The key is doing this in a way that builds emotion regulation & connection … which you’ll be able to do after listening to today’s episode!
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Dealing with hitting, kicking, biting, pushing, scratching, spitting, and other aggressive behaviors in our children is one of the hardest parts of parenting. If you struggle in these moments, you’re so not alone! Aggressive behaviors during tantrums and meltdowns can be SO triggering and tricky.
In this week’s episode, I dive into why these aggressive behaviors happen, why they’re SO hard on us as parents, and how we can effectively and lovingly deal with these behaviors so that hopefully they happen less over time.
Here’s the thing: Aggressive behaviors – as tough as they are to deal with – are a normal part of healthy child development. And if we want these behaviors to happen less often, we need the tools, strategies, and perspective to show up with confidence and calm … which will make these tough moments feel lighter for everyone involved!
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Most of us grew up hearing “good job” or “I’m proud of you” when we did things that pleased our parents. And because we grew up hearing these things, it probably comes naturally to say them to our own kids – which seems innocent enough, right?
In today’s episode, I explore the effects of different ways of praising our kids – and I talk about which ones build REAL confidence (and which ones leave our kids hungry for more, constantly seeking approval from others).
We all love our kids, and it’s natural to want to tell them how amazing they are. And when we can do this in a way that’s about THEIR process versus OUR expectations, we can praise our kids while also allowing them to grow REAL, inside-out, deep-down confidence … which is key to raising empowered and resilient children!
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Have you ever sat with your child in a tough moment and said ALL the “right” things … but your child only seems to get more & more upset? It can be SO hard! I’ve been there, too.
In this week’s episode, I talk about what our kids need MOST from us in difficult moments & explore four common mistakes we make when trying to validate our children’s feelings – complete with real life examples to help you do things differently!
Here’s the thing: In order to truly validate your child’s feelings, you have to first access genuine empathy for their struggle, no matter how trivial it might seem. When you can do that, the rest will follow; your child will feel seen & safe to show up exactly as they are, which builds confidence, resilience, and emotion regulation.
FREE Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Parenting: https://www.raisedresilient.com/mindset
Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisedresilient/